Kapitel/Chapter 3: - Seite/Page 23
3. Basics
Intended use of the machine
The Fischer Panda generator is made to produce electrical energy out of diesel fuel.
The diesel fuel is converted to mechanical energy by the diesel engine. This mechanical energy drives the
generator. In the genset, the mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy. This process is controlled by
(sometimes external) components, the remote control panel and the voltage control system (VCS).
For the process is a sufficient amount of fuel and combustion air necessary. Arising exhaust and heat must be lead
If the electrical power should be applied to a local net, The regulation and installation instructions of the Net owner
and the regional authorities must be respected. This includes lightening conductor, personal protection switch etc.
Misapplication of the Product can damage and destroy the product and the electrical net inclusive all load which is
attached to the net, and contain hazards like short circuit. It is not allowed to modify the product in any case. Never
open the sound cover during operation. The safety and hazard notes of the manual must be respected.
3.1.1 Purpose of the manual and description of the definitions trained person/operator/
This manual is work instruction and operation instruction for the owner and user of Fischer Panda generators.
The manual is the base and the guideline for the correct installation and maintenance of Fischer Panda Generators.
The manual does not substitute the technical evaluation and should be used as an example guide only.
The installation must be undertaken and proved by a suitable qualified/trained person and may in accordance with
the law as required by the country and special situation. Trained persons
Trained persons for the mechanical components are motor mechanics or persons with similar education
and training.
Trained persons for the electrical components are electricians or persons with similar education and
After the Installation, the trained person must instruct the owner for operation and maintenance of the
generator. This must include the hazards of the generator use.
3.1.2 Operator
The operator is the for the operation of the generator responsible person.
After the installation, the operator must be instructed for the operation ad maintenance of the generator. This must
include the hazards during operation of the generator and a instruction for the maintenance.
The operator must read and follow the manual and must respect the hazard notes and safety instructions. User
Users are persons, established by the operator, to operate the generator.
The operator must assure that the user read and understand the manual and that all hazard notes and safety
instructions are respected. The user must be instructed by the operator regarding his activity at the generator.