Generator Faults
Kapitel/Chapter 8: Generator Faults - Seite/Page 133
6.2 Refill cooling water.
Refill the cooling water as described in the chapter Maintenance’.
6.3 Defective impeller pump.
Replace the defective impeller as described in the chapter Maintenance’.
6.4 Air in the cooling system.
Ventilate the cooling system as described in the chapter Maintenance’.
6.5 Heat exchanger blocked.
Get the heat exchanger repaired at a Fischer Panda Service point/Service Centre.
6.6 Defective temperature switch, possibly loose contact/cable break.
Get the temperature switch repaired at a Fischer Panda Service point/Service Centre.
7.2 Oil level too low.
Refill oil as described in the chapter Maintenance’.
8.2 Connection assembly interrupted.
Repair the connection assembly.
9.1 Defective cable to the AC-Box.
Get the cable to the AC-Box exchanged by a Fischer Panda Service point/Service Centre.
Attention: Voltage up to 400 V - Danger to life!
The operations are to be executed by a trained
professional only!
9.2 Defective cable AC out.
Get the cable AC out exchanged by a Fischer Panda Service point/Service Centre.
Attention: Voltage up to 400 V - Danger to life!
The operations are to be executed by a trained professional
9.3 Defective consumer load.
Exchange consumer load/do not operate anymore.
9.4 Missing residual magnetism.
Let the residual magnetism be restored.
Attention: Voltage up to 400 V - Danger to life!
The operations are to be executed by a trained professional
10.1 Air in the fuel system.
Ventilate the fuel system as described in the chapter Installation’.
10.2 Defective DC fuse fuel pump
Exchange the relevant fuses at the generators’ terminal block.
A defective fuse is not always visually detectable. Measure the fuse with a multimeter for connecting passage.
10.3 Incorrect attachment of the fuel pump.
Get the installation corrected at a Fischer Panda Service point/Service Centre.