Generator Faults
Kapitel/Chapter 8: Generator Faults - Seite/Page 143
8.7.2 Checking the capacitors
If the capacitors are to be checked, make sure that the
capacitors has been discharged.
A visual check can give information on whether the capacitors are defective:
• Dielectric leak?
• Did the capacitor become longer?
Fig. 8.7.2-1: Multimeter
The capacitors can be tested by means of a multi-meter,
which is fitted with a buzzer. The multi-meter should be
switched to open and both capacitor connections connected
to the multi-meter.
The capacitors can be tested with a multi-meter. Switch the
measuring instrument to „pass“ and connect both
connections of the capacitors to the connections at the
measuring instrument.
Touch the two contacts of the capacitors by means of the test
prods. A charge should be fed to the capacitor by the internal
Should a steady sound or no sound be heard, the capacitors are defective and must be replaced.
A capacity measuring instrument must be used in order to check whether the capacitors have full capacity.
The capacitors, which do meet the prescribed capacity value at this measurement, should be exchanged as fast as
possible. If all capacitors prove to be still functional, then a check must be made, as to whether the connections to
the strip are correct. Checking the electrical connections to the capacitors
It must be ensured that the electrical connections to the capacitors are always tight fitting. Loose connections with
transitional resistance can mean that the contact surfaces will become heated externally. This can lead to an
increased deterioration of the capacitors.
8.7.3 Check the generator voltage
The following steps must be taken, in order to test whether the stator winding generates sufficient voltage:
1. Ensure that the connection to the shipboard circuit is interrupted.
2. Remove all electrical wires in the generator junction box.
3. Starter battery must be connected to the generator.
4. Start generator.
5. Measure the voltage between the phases and neutral.
Both partial windings must be connected for the 60 Hz Version, i.e. there must be a connection made between wire
1 and 3 (see circuit plan).
(Note: The current arises from the rest magnetism of the rotor, which induces a voltage in the winding).