Table 1:
WARNING: This equipment generates, uses, and radiates radio frequency energy and if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions manual, may cause interference to
radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A
computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to
provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial envi-
ronment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference. If
this is the case, the user, at his own expense, will be required to take whatever measures may
be required to correct the interference.
The inTouch System continuously monitors each Flame-Monitor, MicroM and/or BurnerLogix con-
nected by requesting its status using modbus protocol. Up to 10 Fireye controls can be connected to
the inTouch System and a poll to each address is made once per second. If the Fireye control reports
that it is in a lockout condition or if the control fails to report, the inTouch immediately transmits this
information to the Fireye message center. The message center then transmits this specific informa-
tion to the destination previously configured by way of several different methods. The methods
include telephone, fax, e-mail, pager (alphanumeric, numeric).
For proper operation, the inTouch System must be installed and then configured over the Fireye
web-site, www.fireye.com. Each inTouch system is shipped with a designated base address. This
address is used as the base reference for all Fireye controls subsequently connected. When attaching
Fireye controls, each control must have a unique address within the range of 0 through 9. When con-
figuring the inTouch over the web-site, the device installed will be the base address of the inTouch
plus the unit address of the Flame-Monitor, MicroM or BurnerLogix control. For example, if the
inTouch base address was 330 and three (3) controls with unit address of 0, 1, and 4 were being
connected, the devices installed on the web-site would be 330 (330 + 0), 331 (330 + 1) and 334
(330 + 4). The ancillary dry-contact or AC inputs are attached to the base address, by default.
The lockout message transmitted is the same message the Flame-Monitor, MicroM or BurnerLogix
Y & Z would have on its local display. Refer to bulletin E-1101, MC-5000 BL-1001 and /or
BLZ-1001 for lockout message information and description. If an E300 Expansion Module is used
with the Flame-Monitor or a YZ300 is used with the BurnerLogix, the lockout message pertaining to
the E300 or YZ300 lockout will be transmitted. Additionally, any lockout message can be re-pro-
grammed on the message server to match the user’s application.
Each inTouch unit is limited to 40 messages per day and a maximum frequency of 1 message
per minute. Up to 10 alarm messages can be stacked, pending transmission.
Monitor up to 10 Flame-Monitors, MicroM or BurnerLogix Y & Z controls, 4 dry-con-
tact, 4 AC input. Complete with 3 Quad Band GSM antenna and communication cable.
Remote Quad Mount Antenna without mounting kit (includes 10 ft coax cable)
Remote Quad Mount Antenna with mounting kit (includes 10 ft coax cable)
Remote mount U bolt - 1/2” OD pipe size (included in remote mounting kit)
Remote mounting bracket (included in remote mounting kit)
Coax cable extension
Cable with RJ12 connector used to connect BurnerLogix and Flame-Monitor to ED-610
Telephone jack adapter board for multi-dropping controls