System: This provides a 'system overview' of the Firetron 1000.
Version No.: Indicates the version of software installed in the instrument.
Main Battery: Indicates battery output voltage. When running directly off the mains adaptor the
voltage will be between 12.5 and 12.9V. When the battery voltage falls below an acceptable level
(11.5V) to maintain optimum performance the 'LOW BATT' indicator light will show.
Options: This indicates the options fitted to the instrument.
Ranges: This indicates the measurement range capability of the individual cells. i.e CO Low 0 -
Gains: This indicates the gain settings available for the individual cells.
System Faults: This indicates the gain settings available for the individual cells.
Report: A diagnostic report can be output to either the serial port or to the printer which summarizes
the information contained within the Diagnostics menu. For example, see Report under Section
The remote configuration system for the Firetron 1000 enables Fireye personnel to interrogate the
instrument, without having to return the instrument to the factory. In this way configuration changes
and elementary diagnostics which would normally be performed on the test bench can be performed
at a remote site.
NOTE: This activity should only be performed by Fireye personnel. The information detailed here
enables the user to make preparations for remote configuration of their instrument by use of a PC,
modem and telephone connection.
System Requirements: The P.C. must be equipped with a Hayes compatible modem connected to its
COM1:serial port (see next page for connection details). It must be running the latest version of the
Firetron 1000 monitor software.
The Firetron 1000 must be from the serial port, connected to a Hayes compatible modem. (See below
for connection details).
This allows Firetron 1000 configuration and elementary diagnostics (as currently performed on the
test bench) to be performed over the phone line, from the office to a Firetron 1000 on site anywhere
in the world.
Firetron 1000: To operate correctly, the modem must be correctly connected to the telephone line
and the Firetron 1000, and both must be switched on.
The modem must be configured to 'auto-answer' i.e. to automatically pick up the line when it rings.
This configuration can be done automatically with the Firetron 1000 software, simply by switching
on the modem before the instrument: version x.xx software sends out a Hayes compatible 'auto-
answer' command when it is powered up.
PC/monitor: Call up the monitor software by typing 'monitor' in the usual way. Ensure that the
modem is connected to the COM1 serial port, the telephone line, and is powered up. Select function
F2 'Control Modem'. If all is well, it will respond by requesting the number to dial. Enter this num-
ber, including any local exchange access numbers. The modem will then dial out, and await connec-
tion with the remote modem. When connection is established, the program will report this, and return
to the main menu. At this point the operator can select function F1 'Set Monitor' and proceed just as
if the Firetron 1000 were connected directly to the P.C.
When the configuration session is finished, return to the main menu and select function F2 'Control
modem' again. The program will prompt 'Disconnect line', and will do so if this is confirmed.