Refer to “Installation Preparation” for information on appropriate placement and necessary clearances when
planning installation.
Avoid placing cabinetry directly above cooktop when possible. If cabinetry is used above cooking surface:
Use cabinets no more than 13″
Maintain 30″ minimum clearance between cooktop and unprotected cabinets directly above
If clearance is less than 30″, protect cabinet bottoms with flame-retardant millboard at least 1/4″ thick, or gypsum
board at least 3/16″ thick, covered with 28 gauge sheet steel or .02″ thick copper.
Clearance between cooktop and protected cabinetry must not be less than 24″.
An exhaust hood that projects at least 5″beyond front of cabinets can reduce risk of burns caused by reaching over
heated surface units.
Working areas adjacent to the cooktop should have 18″ minimum clearance between countertop and cabinet bot
tom. A 36″or wider exhaust hood with 350 CFM or greater airflow rating is recommended for use over this Mono
gram cooktop.
Installation must complied with local codes. In the absence of local codes, the gas cooktop must complied with the
National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, latest edition.
Gas supply should be located near the opening for this cooktop (see Preparing the Opening and Gas Connection
sections of this manual). The supply should provide natural gas at 7″ of water column pressure (11″ of water col-
umn for LP gas) and a maximum of 14″ of water column for natural or LP gas.
The electric spark ignition feature for this model requires a 120V electrical power supply be located in the immedi-
ate vicinity of this cooktop (see Electrical Connections section of this manual).
18” min
30” min
13” max