Festo – EXCM-10/-30-...-E-EN – 1612b – English
Execute homing
The operation is enabled.
The position of the axis zero point AZ was correctly parameterised via the FCT.
In the status byte SPOS (CVE object 239/0), bit 1 must be set to the value 0 and bit 2 must be set to
the value 1 (ACK = 0 and MC = 1).
In the control byte CPOS (CVE object 240/0), bit 1 and bit 2 must be set to the value 0
(START = 0, HOM = 0), so that a rising edge can be detected.
In the control byte CPOS (CVE object 240/0), bit 3 and bit 4 must be set to the value 0
(JOGP = 0 and JOGN = 0).
1. Set the bit 2 in the control byte CPOS (CVE object 240/0) to the value 1 (HOM = 1).
Homing is started.
2. Reset the bit 2 in the control byte CPOS (CVE object 240/0) to the value 0 (HOM = 0) as soon as bit
1 in the status byte SPOS (CVE object 239/0) has the value 1 (ACK = 1).
As soon as the reference position is reached, bit 2 and bit 7 in the status byte SPOS (CVE object
239/0) must be set to the value 1 (MC = 1 and REF = 1).
Start of a record (record selection)
The operation is enabled.
Homing has been executed successfully.
In the status byte SPOS (CVE object 239/0), bit 1 must be set to the value 0 and bit 2 must be set to
the value 1 (ACK = 0 and MC = 1).
Bit 1, bit 2, bit 3 and bit 4 in the control byte CPOS (CVE object 240/0) must be set to the value 0
(START = 0, HOM = 0, JOGP = 0 and JOGN = 0).
1. Set the bit 6 in the control byte CCON (CVE object 240/0) to the value 0 (OPM = 0).
The “record selection” operating mode is selected.
2. Write the desired record number in the CVE object 240/1.
The desired record is selected.
3. Set the bit 1 in the control byte CPOS (CVE object 240/0) to the value 1 (START = 1).
The selected record is started.
As long as the positioning job is being executed, bit 2 of the status byte SPOS (CVE object
239/0) has the value 0 (MC = 0).
As soon as the positioning job has ended, bit 2 of the status byte SPOS (CVE object 239/0) has
the value 1 (MC = 1).
4. Reset the bit 1 in the control byte CPOS (CVE object 240/0) to the value 0 (START = 0) as soon as bit
1 in the status byte SPOS (CVE object 239/0) has the value 1 (ACK = 1).