Assembly instruction manual FELIX 2.0 3d printer
Degrease/clean the bed with some detergent. We use spirit, but
alcohol, thinner, nail polish remover will work also.
Put strokes of the supplied tape on the heated bed. Try to do this with
as little bubbles and overlap of the strokes as possible. The better you
do this the nicer the bottom surface of the printed parts will be.
Fold the overhanging strokes of plastic around the edges. Then
afterwards clean the surface with detergent.
Supplied with the kit is kapton tape. After several tests with different
kinds of tape we recommend the following:
Kapton tape. Very good for printing.
PVC tape, has the same sticking quality as kapton tape, but
significantly lower costs. Downside is the durability of the
tape. Needs to be replaced more often.
Painterstape. This is only recommended for very small
parts, with small contact surface to the bed. With PLA
filament this tapes sticks so well that the printed parts are
extremely hard to remove from the bed. To not damage the
build platform for certain parts we had to remove the parts
including tape. This tape is also a suitable tape for printing
with ABS.