Assembly instruction manual FELIX 2.0 3d printer
First of all thank you choosing FELIXprinters! To get your Felix printer up and running as fast
and painless as possible please follow this manual carefully. When things are unclear or if
you have any remarks or tips, please contact us at
. We also
recommend looking on our forum and get yourself a forum account. You will benefit from
the ability to get downloadable and printable upgrades for your printer. Also it is a great
source to obtain more knowledge about your printer and printing in general.
Depending on your skills this kit will take approximately 4-12 hours to assemble and to
make your first print. Please read the manual carefully and follow it step by step. Please don’t
make any shortcuts unless you know what you’re doing. It’s better to spend a few minutes
extra on reading, than to wait a week for new parts.
The manual is build up as follows: Each module starts with a short introduction. After that a
Bill of Materials (BOM) is presented. The BOM doesn’t contain the small bolts and nuts,
because for the assembly of the printer the assortment box of bolts and nuts is required.
Further to not bloat the manual, a picture of each part is only displayed in the complete BOM
of the printer. This can be found in the Supplement at the end of the manual.
Before starting the build of your printer, it’s recommended to check if all parts are present by
comparing it with the bill of materials.