ID ISC.ANT800/600-DA
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Copyright 2005 by
Lange Strasse 4
D-35781 Weilburg-Waldhausen
Tel.: +49 6471 3109-0
With the edition of this document, all previous editions become void. Indications made in this manual may be
changed without previous notice.
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in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design.
Composition of the information in this document has been done to the best of our knowledge.
FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH does not guarantee the correctness and completeness of the details given in this
manual and may not be held liable for damages ensuing from incorrect or incomplete information. Since,
despite all our efforts, errors may not be completely avoided, we are always grateful for your useful tips.
The instructions given in this manual are based on advantageous boundary conditions.
FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH does not give any guarantee promise for perfect function in cross environments.
FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH assumes no responsibility for the use of any information contained in this
document and makes no representation that they free of patent infringement. FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH
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