Hotkey Activation
Series C
Federal Signal www.fedsig.com
Whenever the attempts to transmit, the following occurs:
a. If the radio channel is busy and Carrier Detect is active, the LCD displays the
F01: Function Name
Waiting for Carrier
The waits ten seconds for the channel to clear before transmitting.
b. If other equipment is currently transmitting, the LCD displays the following.
F01: Function Name
Waiting for PTT
The waits for other transmission to end before transmitting.
Communication Mode
You can use the in either standalone or computer mode. The mode the
is in is indicated by the character at the end of the fourth line on of the LCD
panel. The (s) stands for standalone mode and (c) stands for computer mode.
To switch between modes, from the STANDBY screen, press MODE. The LCD
displays the following:
About to change Mode
to: standalone
Press SEND to Change
Or CLEAR to Cancel
Standalone Mode
In standalone mode, the acknowledges any incoming Digital Alarms and logs
them. Any incoming DTMF alarms are converted to Federal Signal digital and are logged
as well.
Requesting Reports and Polling
The is configured with two lists of unit numbers:
• One for digital units
• One for DTMF units