Using the S Software
Series C
Federal Signal www.fedsig.com
DTMF Communications
The following shows the DTMF Communications group box of the General Configuration
Spin box—Site #
Selects the RTU (siren site number).
Site Active
Check if the unit is active.
DTMF Gap Time
Enter DTMF gap time ranging from 5 to 100 ms.
DTMF Digit Time
Enter Digit time ranging from 35 to 100 ms.
Descriptions of Functions Reported by RTUs–Sent to Printer
When a site is polled, it reports back the last function number that was run. This is where
the name and description for the functions are entered. These names and descriptions
are sent to the printer when the site reports back.
The following shows the Descriptions of Functions Reported by RTUs–Sent to Printer
group box of the General Configuration tab.
Spin box—Function #
Selects the function number.
Function Name
Enter the name.
Function Description
Enter the description.
Comm Port Parameters
The following shows the Comm Port Parameters group box of the General Configuration