2 Overview
15-04-2016 11 7000.05052
FAULHABER Motion Manager
We recommend that the first commissioning of a FAULHABER drive is performed using
“FAULHABER Motion Manager“ software. The FAULHABER Motion Manager permits
simple access to the settings and parameters of the connected motor controller. The
graphical user interface allows configurations to be read, changed and reloaded.
Individual commands or complete parameter sets and program sequences can be input
and loaded to the controller.
Wizard functions support the user when commissioning the drive controllers. The wizard
functions are arranged on the user interface in the sequence they are normally used:
Connection wizard: Supports the user when establishing the connection to the
connected controller
Motor wizard: Supports the user when configuring an external controller to the
connected motor, by selecting the respective FAULHABER motor
Control setting wizard: Supports the user in optimising the control parameters.
The software can be downloaded free of charge from the FAULHABER Internet page.
We recommend always using the latest version of the FAULHABER Motion Manager.
The FAULHABER Motion Manager is described in the separate “Motion Manager 6”
manual. The contents of the manual are also available as context-sensitive online help
within the FAULHABER Motion Manager.
Saving and restoring parameters
So that changed parameters in the OD remain active in the controller when it is switched
on again, the “Save” command must be executed to save them permanently in the non-
volatile memory (application EEPROM) (see chap. 7.1, p. 38). When the motor is switched
on, the parameters are loaded automatically from the non-volatile memory into the
volatile memory (RAM).
Fig. 4: Saving and restoring parameters
Save command
Power Supply ON
Restore command