Lumina 71
Basic principles
Feed composition
Total amount
Amount per feed type
100% starter feed
1.6kg starter feed
50% starter feed
50% transitional feed
0.9kg starter feed
0.9kg transitional feed
50% transitional feed
50% finisher feed
1.4kg transitional feed
1.4kg finisher feed
To keep the examples easy to understand, only three feed types have been used. However, in practice the blend
can consist of several feed ingredients and additives:
Feed ingredients are the main elements of the feed such as sow pellets and wheat.
Additives are extras that are added in small amounts, such as medicines, minerals and vitamins.
The feed composition is entered in the control computer using feed curves.
Feed cycles
Feed is mixed, weighed, transported and supplied during the feeding cycles. A feeding cycle is a period of time
within which the animals at a certain feed place are fed. The start time per feeding cycle applies to all control
computer-controlled feed places. Cycles are entered within the clock as time blocks. The process is activated in
these time blocks. A maximum of 24 cycles can be entered.
Figure 6: Example graph of two cycles (6.30-11.00 h and 14.00-19.00 h) set in the clock. The dotted line indicates
the current time.
The control computer determines the calculated feeding cycle amount by dividing the calculated daily amount by the
number of feeding cycles.
Calculated feeding cycle amount
Calculated daily amount
Number of feeding cycles
Number of animals at the feed place: 10. Amount per animal 0.8 kg. Total: 10 * 0.8 = 8 kg. If 2 feeding
cycles are used, 4kg will be supplied per feeding cycle.
The feeding cycles to be run are included in the feed curve. A new set of feeding cycles can be entered at each
bending point. For example. Start with one feeding cycle and switch over to two feeding cycles after 21 days.
The feed cycles can be set in the control computer, see "Feeding cycles" page 39.
Determining calculated daily amount
The feed amount can be changed by changing the dosing percentage. The animals are given more or less feed
during a number of days. The normal dosing percentage is 100%. If a different percentage is entered, the control
computer will recalculate the daily amount. This calculation is carried out immediately after the new data is saved.
A different dosing percentage is typically suitable for adjustments during a short period, e.g. a week. After the preset
period the control computer automatically returns the dosing percentage to 100%. Feeding will take place based on
the feed curve again.
Calculated daily amount
Curve daily amount
Dosing percentage