FTG Series Programming Manual
Square brackets ([]) indicate optional keywords or parameters. The braces are not
sent with the command string.
Braces ({}) enclose parameters within a command string.
Triangle brackets (<>) indicate that you must substitute a value or a code for the
enclosed parameter.
A vertical bar (|) separates one of two or more alternative parameters.
Command keyword
Each command keyword has two formats: long mnemonic and short mnemonic. Short
mnemonic is an abbreviation for long mnemonic. Each mnemonic does not exceed 12
characters (including any number suffixes that may appear). The power supply only accepts
precise long or short mnemonics. The rules for generating mnemonics are as follows:
The long mnemonic consists of a word or phrase. If it is a word, the entire word constitutes a
mnemonic; if it is a phrase, the first character of each word and the entire last word
constitute a mnemonic.
Main Value —— MVALue
The short mnemonic is generally composed of the first 4 characters of the long mnemonic.
CONFigure —— CONF
If the character length of the long mnemonic is less than or equal to 4, the long and short
mnemonics are the same; if the length of the long mnemonic is greater than 4, and the
fourth character is a vowel, the short mnemonic will discard this vowel and becomes 3
TIMer —— TIM
The mnemonic is not case sensitive.
Root Specifier
When it precedes the first header of a message unit, the colon becomes the root specifier. It
tells the command parser that this is the root or the top node of the command tree.
Command separators
Colon “:”
A colon (:) is used to separate a command keyword from a lower-level keyword, such as
command “CURR:MVAL 10”; also, when it precedes the first header of a message unit, the