Text in quotes refer to a Synergy parameter or function, for example "Start Time"
i-synergy = synergy Class 10 current, i-rated = synergy Class20 / Class30 current, i-motor = motor current
[ SGY1051400 SGY2070000 SGY3023400 ]
PNU Number
PNU Name
PNU Format
PNU Note
0 ( 0 hex ) 0%
16384 ( 4000 hex ) 100%
8192 ( 2000 hex ) 50%
PNU Number
PNU Name
PNU Format
PNU Note
1638 ( 666 hex ) 10%
6553 ( 1999 hex ) 40%
1638 ( 666 hex ) 10%
PNU Number
PNU Name
PNU Format
PNU Note
10 ( A hex ) 10ms
2000 ( 7D0 hex ) 2000ms
100 ( 64 hex ) 100ms
PNU Number
PNU Name
PNU Format
PNU Note
1 ( 1 hex ) 1s
300 ( 12C hex ) 300s
10 ( A hex ) 10s
PNU Number
PNU Name
PNU Format
PNU Note
0 ( 0 hex ) 0s
300 ( 12C hex ) 300s
0 ( 0 hex ) 0s
7296 ( 1C80 hex )
The time taken to soft stop from full voltage or the iERS level to the 'Stop Pedestal'
Stop Time
Normally set between 15 and 60 seconds. Actual time to get to 'Stop Pedestal' depends on the "Stop Current Limit Level".
16 bit unsigned
If set too long the motor may reach zero speed before the end of the time set. Refer to "Automatic End Stop"
Linear Scaling ( 1 = 1 s )
7104 ( 1BC0 hex )
Time taken to soft start from the "Start Pedestal" to the end of the start
Start Time
Normally set between 5 and 30 seconds. Actual time to get to full voltage depends on the "Start Current Limit Level".
16 bit unsigned
If set too long the motor can be at speed before the end of the time set. Refer to "Automatic End Start"
Linear Scaling ( 1 = 1 s )
7040 ( 1B80 hex )
Time that the torque pulse is applied to load
Kick Start Time
Increase to provide more torque If the load fails to break away.
16 bit unsigned
Decrease if the motor accelerates too quickly.
Linear Scaling ( 1 = 1 ms )
896 ( 380 hex )
Percentage of the supply voltage applied to the motor at the end of the soft stop
Stop Pedestal
Increase if the motor crawls at the end of the soft stop.
16 bit unsigned
Decrease if a greater soft-stop effect is required at the end of the ramp.
Linear Scaling ( 1 = 0.006104 % )
768 ( 300 hex )
Adjusts the response of the "Automatic End Start (3)"
Rate End Start (3)
Increase to provide a greater smoothing effect If there are torque fluctuations that occur during the soft start.
16 bit unsigned
When set to zero the smoothing is effectively disabled.
Linear Scaling ( 1 = 0.006104 % )
MAN-SGY-012-V11 EC 5195
Fairford Electronics Ltd - Synergy Modbus RTU Programming Manual - 22nd February 2016
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