30iE - v1111 - Installation/Operation - (7/48)
2.2 Incremental, absolute and with respect to Machine Reference Zero
A coordinate DRO displays the present coordinate of one or several axes.
Coordinate means the distance from one point or position with respect with another
chosen as reference.
These DROs can display the position of the axes in incremental or absolute mode or
referring to home.
The next figure shows the different position display modes:
• In
Home mode
, it displays the distance from the current position of the axis to the
home point chosen in the feedback system (linear or encoder).
Press this sequence to access the
Home Search
• In
(ABS), when the ABS led is on , it displays the distance from the
present position of the axis to part zero (D).
• In
, when the ABS and "home" LEDs are off the distance from the
present position of the axis to the previous position is displayed.
Toggles between the ABS and incremental modes.
It could occur that the installation parameter PAR11(1) has been set to “0” for this key
to independently affect each axis so that one axis can display its po
sition in
incremental mode while the othe r does this in absolute. In this case, to change the
display mode for a particular axis, press one of these two sequences.