Description of operation
t e c h n i c a l
3.7.- Assembly and disassembly instructions
(A) Disassembly of the Evoluta Condensation Chamber
Undo the three screws that
x the condensation chamber to the drum (Thor
Disconnect thermostat cables
Disconnect fan motor cables
Loosen the 2 screws which hold the Evoluta to the Muf
er Duct
Remove the anti-return duct (bracket)
(B) Changing the Fan Motor
Remove the Evoluta condensation chamber (A)
Undo the 5
xing screws
Remove the fan (take care, as the central bolt has a left-hand thread)
Undo the three screws which
x the fan to the evoluta cover
(C) Changing the single cycled Thermostat
Remove the Evoluta condensation chamber (A)
Remove the fan motor
Undo the thermostat
xing bolt (this bolt is inside the Condensation chamber)
N/C 85 degrees
(D) Change Element – Double Thermostat
Remove the Evoluta Condensation chamber (A)
Undo the three
xing screws for the upper counterweight
Loosen the two screws which hold the Evoluta to the Muf
er Duct
Put a wedge support in between the unit and the base of the upper coun
terweight to raise up the Counterweight-Chamber
Loosen the two screws which hold the double thermostat
Loosen the two screws which hold the element
It is advisable to
t a new seal to the newly installed element