VNR 100 • Reference Information
Example 2 — decoding a file to Targa files and placing them in a speci-
fied output directory
The command is:
./gcode -t -o /home/matrix_rec/Targa -i /home/matrix_rec/Storage/SAC_
Test/ Dave_Gilmour_Dimming_of_the_Day_620027.0.0_r0_s0.rec
Since there is no
flag, the frames are not displayed as they are generated.
The output is targa (tga) files (
The ouput directory path is
Example 3 — outputting JPG files with graphical output
The command is:
./gcode -g -j 80 -i /home/matrix_rec/Storage/SAC_Test/
Each frame is displayed as it is generated (
The output is jpg files (
Since no
flag is set, the output files are stored at the default location (
The quality setting is 80%.
Example 4 — generating audio files, specifying the output directory.
To convert an Audio file to a .wav file and place in a folder “Targa.” The default name for the
audio file is
./gcode -o /home/matrix_rec/Targa -i /home/matrix_rec/Storage/SAC_Test/
The gcode utility recognizes that the file is an audio file (
) and automatically creates a
.WAV file with the name
Advanced Use
Example 1 — stopping the export process
To stop the export process, press <Ctrl> + <C> at any time. Any image files that were
generated prior to the process being stopped remain in the specified output folder.
Example 2 — determining the start and end points of the recording
The command is:
./gcode -l -i /home/matrix_rec/Storage/SAC_Test/
flag causes the utility to return the start and end time stamp of the recording:
17:45:27.53 - 17:47:27.65
The length of the recording is calculated by subtracting the start time from the finish
time (in this case 2 minutes 0.12 seconds).