VNR 100 • Reference Information
Press <Enter> to run the command. If an error is detected in the command line, an
indicator message appears in the terminal window.
If the command line is valid, the utility exports one image file per video frame to the
designated output directory. The command line window will continually update as the
process runs.
If you activate the graphic output flag (
) for video exports, each frame appears on the
screen as it is generated.
When the process is complete the command line prompt will be displayed:
SdBase: final close on dbase: 0x933c19c
ntpStart=3581405058 ntpFinish=3581405060
seekToTime: fn= isopen=0
rtpts = 3001955953 ntpmsw = 3581405058 ntplsw = 1860627077 payloadtype = 81
mtStart = -1293050332
starng at fn=17 (1-->378)
skipped 1 at start of file
syncFrameno to 18
Video Stream: w=1280 h=720
BBB: alloc
ofmt: w:0 h:0 f:0
nfmt: w:1280 h:720 f:60
dme = 1499.97 fps = 60.000970
TIME: 12420
Timed end of content detected, mt:300298353 fin:-1292870332
Missing Packet, last=0 now=0
BBB: free
SdBase: final close on dbase:0x933c19c
SdBase: final close on dbase:0x933946c
[matrix_rec@localhost VNRecorder_ver9.2.2]$
Figure 30.
gcode Process Completed
The average conversion time for a video file is approximately eight times the
length of the original recording. One second of recorder content may produce
60 exported image files.
The conversion time for a audio recording is much shorter. An audio file that
is 2 minutes and 30 seconds in length is encoded to a .WAV file in less than
10 seconds.
Example Strings
The following examples are all unbroken character strings without a line break.
When the text moves to the next line, it is “text wrap.”
Example1 — decoding a file on the local graphics output
The command is:
./gcode -g -i /home/matrix_rec/Storage/SAC_Test/
Each frame is displayed as it is generated (
No output directory is specified. By default the newly generated files are displayed on
the local display of the VN Recorder.
The input directory is