............................................... 1
Quantum Ultra 610 and 305 ............................ 1
Quantum Ultra Connect 128 and 84 ................ 2
Features .............................................................. 2
All Models ........................................................ 2
Quantum Ultra 610 and 305 ............................ 4
Quantum Ultra Connect 128 and 84 ................ 6
HyperLane Bus for Source Transfer ..................... 6
Virtual Network Computing (VNC) ........................ 7
Application Examples .......................................... 8
Installation and Configuration
Installation Steps ............................................... 11
Front Panel Features .......................................... 12
Quantum Ultra 305, Connect 128, and
Connect 84 .................................................. 12
Quantum Ultra 610 Front Panel Door ............. 13
Rear Panel Features .......................................... 14
HDMI LockIt Cable Lacing Brackets .............. 16
Input and Output Cards ..................................... 16
Card Locations — Quantum Ultra 610 and
305 ............................................................... 17
Inputs ............................................................ 17
Outputs ......................................................... 26
Adjusting for Edge Blending and Mullion
Compensation .................................................. 35
Connecting to a Network ................................... 36
RS-232 Insertion — DTP Outputs Only .............. 37
Ethernet to RS-232 Insertion ......................... 37
Captive Screw Signal Insertion ....................... 38
Selecting the Insertion Method and RS-232
Protocol ........................................................ 39
................................................. 40
Starting the Control Panel .................................. 40
Buttons on the Control Panel ............................. 42
Loading Image Files — Quantum Ultra 610
and 305 ............................................................ 43
Updating the Password ..................................... 44
Updating Firmware ............................................ 45
Downloading a Firmware File ......................... 45
Uploading a Firmware File .............................. 47
Modifying Network Settings from the Control
Panel ................................................................ 50
Resetting the Device from the Control Panel ...... 51
Service Mode .................................................... 52
Disabling and Enabling Write Protection ............. 53
Shutting Down the Device ................................. 53
Remote Configuration and Control
SIS Commands ................................................. 55
Copyright Information .................................... 55
Quantum Ultra-initiated Messages ................. 56
Error Codes ................................................... 56
Using the Command and Response Table ..... 57
Symbol Definitions ......................................... 57
Command and Response Table for SIS
Commands ..................................................... 61
Videowall Configuration Software (VCS)
Program ........................................................... 74
Downloading VCS from the Website .............. 74
Starting the Configuration Program ............... 76
Quantum Ultra Videowall Processing System • Contents