Quantum Ultra Videowall Processing System • Introduction
Quantum Ultra Connect 128 and 84
The Quantum Ultra Connect 128 and 84 have fixed configurations. The Quantum Ultra
Connect 128 has three HDMI input cards and two HDMI output cards, while the Quantum
Ultra Connect 84 has two HDMI input cards and one HDMI output card. This card
configuration is fixed and cannot be modified by the user. In addition, multiple chassis are
not supported with these models.
All Models
Extron Vector™ 4K scaling engine
— The Vector 4K scaling engine is specifically
designed for critical-quality 4K imagery, with best-in-class image upscaling and
400 Gbps HyperLane
video bus delivers unparalleled real-time performance
— The Extron HyperLane video bus has a total throughput of 400 Gbps, easily
accommodating the high-bandwidth demands of large videowalls displaying many
simultaneous HD and 4K sources.
Supports 4K on one, two, or four connections
— Quantum Ultra provides
management of 4K video as a single, dual, or quad-path signal, for flexibility when
working with 4K sources, peripherals, and displays.
Direct control via RS-232, USB, and Ethernet
— Locally-stored configuration file
allows direct connection between the control system and Quantum Ultra.
Designed for 24/7, mission-critical environments
— Quantum Ultra provides a
high performance, high reliability display processing solution for monitoring valuable
infrastructure and assets with maximum uptime.
Integrates into a diverse array of 4K environments such as lobbies,
auditoriums, and simulations
— Quantum Ultra is optimized for use with 4K
displays, windowing large numbers of high-resolution sources across multiple displays
with resolutions up to 3840x2160 or greater.
Full-featured control protocol
— Allows access to preset selection, window source
selection, window size, position, and visibility, and many more presentation options.
Reliable connectivity for HDMI cables
— Extron LockIt
cable lacing brackets
provide secure, reliable cable connections for Quantum HDMI inputs and outputs.
Powerful window management and source scaling capabilities
— Sources can
be windowed, layered, and positioned anywhere on the video display, from 1/100 of
the native source resolution to 1000 times the output resolution.
Supports portrait or landscape screen orientation
Source rotation
— Source images can be rotated in 90-degree increments,
providing flexible and creative presentation options for live content.
Mullion (bezel) compensation for flat-panel displays
— Adjustable
compensation extends the displayed image “behind” screen bezels, accurately
presenting sources which span multiple displays.
HDCP compliant
— Ensures display of content-protected media and interoperability
with other HDCP-compliant devices.
Custom output resolutions
— Maximize compatibility with evolving display
technology, non-standard displays, and LED systems.