Remote Control
Command Structure
An SRQ is forced when a bit is set in the STB and, at the same time, the
corresponding SRE bit is set. When the SRQ is generated, the RQS bit is set
to 1, and remains set until read by a serial poll. Once the RQS is read, it
returns to 0.
Command Structure
The GPIB and RS-232 commands follow the guidelines determined by the
Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) consortium.
For example, the
OUT:STAT<space><state> command syntax
is used to activate or deactivate the source.
OUT and STAT are keywords that define the function of the command.
] indicates that a keyword or a parameter is optional.
<space> is included to indicate that a space is required.
<state> is the command parameter.
Keywords must be separated by a colon.
It is recommended to fetch the response immediately after each query.
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