RME1-TC User’s Manual - Thermocouple Acquisition Module
Power Led
Green Led
Yellow Led
Figure 12 - Leds indicators
Table 4 - Indicator Leds
Yellow Led
Green Led
It is steady on
Do not care
RME1-TC is searching for a DHCP server in
the network.
It is
second on and
second off.
Do not care
RME1-TC is starting.
During this period the equipment may be
set in serial configuration mood.
It blinks like a beacon, 90% of a second
off and the remaining 10% on.
Do not care
RME1-TC has an IP address and a carrier
(link) on the connection. This is the normal
operation status.
It is 90% of a second on and the
remaining 10% off.
Do not care
RME1-TC has no IP address and cannot
find a DHCP server. It will search the DHCP
server at 60 seconds interval.
It blinks very fast.
Do not care
Absence of Ethernet carrier.
Do not care
It is steady on and it turns off for
short periods of time.
RME1-TC has detected a Modbus TCP
It flashes alternately with green led
It flashes alternately with yellow
Critical failure. (contact technical
support at [email protected])
www.exemys.com Rev.