Design and function
Shielding gas supply (shielding gas cylinder for welding machine)
Shielding gas setting
Rule of thumb for the gas flow rate:
Diameter of gas nozzle in mm corresponds to gas flow in l/min.
Example: 7mm gas nozzle corresponds to 7l/min gas flow.
Incorrect shielding gas setting!
• If the shielding gas setting is too low or too high, this can introduce air to the weld pool and
may cause pores to form.
• Adjust the shielding gas quantity to suit the welding task!
• Slowly open the gas cylinder valve. Conduct a gas test - See 5.8.3 Gas test chapter
• Set the required amount of shielding gas on the pressure reducer, about 4 - 15 l/min depending on the
current strength and the material.
5.8.3 Gas
Action Result
1 x
Select gas test
"Gas pre-flow time (TIG)" signal light is on. Shielding gas flows for
approx. 20 seconds. The gas test can be ended immediately by
pressing it once more.
“Purge hose package” function
Action Result
5 s
Select hose package rinsing
"Gas pre-flow time (TIG)" signal light flashes.
The function is ended by pressing the button again.
If the "Rinse hose package" function is not ended by pressing the "Gas and current parameters"
button again, shielding gas will flow until the gas cylinder is empty!