KPM.X.Systemhandbuch_X3.0.EN.V1.9 | Subject to misprints and technical changes.
Click the three small dots
to open a drop-down menu for:
Show all
All tasks are shown
Hide completed
Any completed tasks are not shown
Hide synchronisation tasks
Synchronisation tasks (collect logs, set time) are hid-
den. Only configuration tasks (configuration changes)
are displayed.
Identify door
Automatically identifies the connected door
Show battery status
Shows the battery status of the component
Update firmware
Update firmware using connection cable
Reset component
Resets the component to factory status
Request versions
Shows the firmware version
Select here whether the component event log must always be retrieved
Logs out the active user
Refer to the following section for instructions on how to link a Xesar tablet
to a Xesar system:
Integrating your Xesar tablet into your system
Figure 227
Xesar app functions