EVGA Z790 DARK K|NGP|N (121-RL-E799)
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21. Front Panel Audio Connector
This connector is required for recording and/or playback via the audio
connectors on the front of your chassis. This header uses the standard “HD
Audio” jack. Some chassis may provide two headers: one labeled HD Audio,
and one labeled AC’97. AC’97 cables are not compatible with this header on the
22. Front Panel Header Connectors
The Front Panel Connectors include the Power Switch, Power LED, Reset
Switch, and HDD LED. The Power and Reset switches only need to be bridged
for a moment to turn on/reset the device, such as with a flat-head screwdriver
by simultaneously touching the + and - posts.
The Power LED will power on with the system, indicating the system is on and
can blink in conjunction with CPU activity.
HDD LED blinks during access to SATA devices, but not M.2 SSDs.
23. Temperature Sensor Header
This 2-pin header, labeled JEC2, allows a thermistor cable to provide
temperature data to the motherboard, which can be viewed in the BIOS. These
cables are commonly used with custom watercooling loops to monitor
water/coolant temperature, or with sensors mounted in a chassis to monitor
ambient temperature. For the pinout of this sensor, go to Page 43.
24. BIOS Selector Switch
This switch toggles the active BIOS chip. This board has 3 BIOS chips as a
permanent fixture. Each chip holds only the settings and profiles that have been
saved to the BIOS chip while active. This allows you to swap between three
different BIOS versions, configurations, and settings, if you wish.
25. CMOS Battery
The CMOS battery backup provides uninterruptable power to the BIOS to
store its settings. These batteries typically last several years and rarely need to be
26. PCIe Disable Switches
These DIP switches physically disable power to a specific PCIe slot. By default,
all switches are in the “On” position to the left. Move the switch to the right to
disable a specific slot. From top to bottom, the switches correspond to PE1 and
PE2. Switches 3, 4, and 5 are disabled on this motherboard.