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Which types of RAID can I use with my setup?
1 Drive - No RAID arrays are supported
2 Drives - RAID0 for speed (do regular backups) or RAID1 for data protection.
3 Drives - RAID0 for speed (do regular backups) or RAID5 for speed and protection.
4 Drives - RAID0 for speed (do regular backups), RAID5 for speed and protection,
RAID10 for the best balance of Speed and protection.
5 Drives - RAID0 for speed (do regular backups) or RAID5 for speed and protection.
6 Drives - RAID0 for speed (do regular backups) or RAID5 for speed and protection.
7 Drives - RAID0 for speed (do regular backups) or RAID5 for speed and protection.
8 Drives - RAID0 for speed (do regular backups) or RAID5 for speed and protection,
RAID10 for the best balance of Speed and protection.
Also, you can run more than one array on the Intel
controller, so long as the total is no
more than eight (8) drives. For example, this means you can allocate four (4) drives to a
RAID10, two (2) drives to a RAID1, and two (2) drives to a RAID0.
Configuring the Array
Attach all SATA devices you intend to use, and make sure power is attached.
Power the system on. Press the “Delete” key repeatedly to enter BIOS. Once
into BIOS you will need to enable the RAID function of the board.
Once into BIOS, click on (or navigate with your arrow keys) the “Advanced”
tab at the top, and then on “SATA Configuration.” You will see all attached
SATA devices at this point.
Note: The SATA Configuration menu shows a list of all drives currently detected by the
controller. Make sure the list in your BIOS matches what you have plugged in. If
it does not, reseat cables on the device(s) in question. If the issue persists,
please check the troubleshooting section on Page 145.