455-461 Series
The load current passes through the power terminals "L" (Line) and " " (Load).
It is essential to observe the identification of these 2 terminals in order to prevent any
incorrect operation.
The "1" terminal must be connected to the supply phase.
The other end of the load is connected either to the neutral or to the second phase, depending
on the selected configuration (between phase and neutral or between phases).
• The unit must be connected to earth by a suitable terminal.
• The internal (Inom5 125 A) and external (INom = 150 A )
high speed fuses only protect the thyristors.
The suitable cut-off and external installation protection device
must be installed before power-up.
• Fasten the power connectors correctly.
Incorrect fastening can induce incorrect operation of the
thyristor unit and serious consequences for the installation.
451-461 User Manual
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