455-461 Series
4.7.3 Soft start and trigger delay settings
To access the setting potentiometer, the module must be plugged
of its baseplate.
The same potentiometer
see figure 4.4) is used to make two different settings depending
on the selected thyristor firing mode.
• Start time
Start (or start and end) time setting for the following thyristor firing modes:
- slow cycle with soft start
- fast cycle with soft start
- slow cycle with soft start and end
- fast cycle with soft start and end.
With switches
6 and 7 i n position 1 for the 461 series power units (or with soldered
bridges 5, 6 and 7 for series 455), P4 sets the duration of the start (or start and end) ramp
in phase angle.
The soft start (or start and end) ramp can be adjusted between 0 and 250 ms.
The maximum ramp is obtained with P4 turned completely anti-clockwise.
For transformer primary circuit control with a secondary load with a
low temperature
(constant resistance with the temperature variation), set this potentiometer
to obtain the maximum ramp.
For the control of a load with a
high temperature coefficient
(wide resistance variation as a
function of the temperature)
use the
Special 677.
451-461 User Manual
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