3.7. Map Panel
In this bookmark it is possible to adjust the composition of air/fuel mixture in specific ranges of
petrol injection opening time
<2 - 25ms>
depending on RPM level
<500-7500 RPM>
. Thanks to
that map we can adjust mixture by shortening or elongating the gas injectors opening time in range
–50% up to +50%
Editing of the cells on the map can be done in following way:
1) By clicking and holding left mouse button we are marking the area on which we would like to
enter the desired percentage correction of gas injectors opening time.
2) With right mouse button we click on any of cells marked by us.
3) Pop-up menu will show up, with following list of options available to apply to selected cells:
“Clear all”
-sets cells to the 0 value.
“Set value”
sets cell to the value written from the keyboard.
“Increase 1% / 5%”
-increases current cell value by 1% / 5%.
“Increase 1% / 5%”
decreases current cell value by 1% / 5%.
After selecting cells on the map it is also possible to modify their value on active map area with
usage of
Page Up
Page Down
Page Up
– increases value by 1%
Page Down
– decreases value by 1%
By enabling “
RPM Map assistant”
feature, the active area square (size of 1x1; 3x3 or 5x5) is able
to always follow the actual parameters of inj. time and RPM. Therefore we are able to regulate the
engine load during the driving and using
Page Up, Page Down
and numerical keys in order to
change the mixture enrichment value on active area square.