3.2. Software settings configuration during every start-up
It is possible to define default behavior of software during its every start-up. List of adjustable
parameters is located in menu
File → Software settings.
Calibration map autoscaling
-Automatical scalling of calibration map (depending on
maximum injection opening time achieved).
Active Calibration map assistant
-Enables active multiplier assistant (use UP and DOWN
keys during map collecting over active point to change value).
Active RPM map assistant
-Enables active RPM map assistant (use PGUP and PGDOWN
keys during map collecting over active area to change value). It is possible to define the
active area square size [1x1; 3x3; 5x5].
Software updates from internet
-Software is automatically checking available updates
during every start (active Internet connection required).
Autoconnection mode (ESC = Stop)
- Software searches all COM ports available in the
system and tries to connect with ECU automatically during every start . Press ESC to stop
Automatic Oscilloscope recording
- Software automatically starts recording Oscilloscope
signals during every start.
Save settings with oscillogram
- Software automatically asks user to save Oscilloscope
recorded signals to file during every try of saving settings.
Bluetooth Connection proposal at start
-user is asked for try of establish connection by
Bluetooth during every software start.
Remember selected language settings
-Remembers language selected during last usage of
the software.
Extra-Advanced mode
-Software is showing all the Extra-Advanced features.
Pressure units
- Type of pressure units displayed in the software: kPa / bar / psi.
Temperature units
-Type of temperature units displayed in the software: Celsius /