Eurogames Srl – Operation and maintenance handbook – BUMPER CAR & MINI BUMPER CAR
Enter the “Protect” menu.
Use the “+”button to scroll to the “Pot1” option. Keeping the Joystick 1 (right) in the centre
position, ensure the value returned on the display is above 118 and below 138.
Use the “+” button to scroll to the “Pot2” option. Keeping the Joystick 2 (left) in the centre
position, ensure the value returned on the display is above 118 and below 138.
If the values for Pot1 or Pot2 are not between 118 and 138, change the position of the board
located next to the Joystick until the correct value is returned (the centre value of 128 should be
used as reference).
Using the “Pot2” option, push the Joystick 2 (left) fully forward and backward, taking note of the
minimum and maximum values returned on the display.
Use the “-“ button to return to the “Pot1” option. Push the Joystick 1 (right) fully forward and
backward, taking note of the minimum and maximum values returned on the display.
Use the “+” button to scroll to the “Pot Min” option, press the “Enter” button, and use the “+” and
“-“ buttons to change the value. The value of “Pot Min” must be set to equal to the higher of the 2
minimum potentiometer values, plus 8. Press the “Enter” button to return to the menu.
Use the “+” button to scroll to the “Pot Max” option, press the “Enter” button, and use the “+” and
“-“ buttons to change the value. The value of “Pot Max” must be set to equal to the lower of the 2
maximum potentiometer values, minus 8. Press the “Enter” button to return to the menu.
Use the “+” button to scroll to the “Dead Zone” option, press the “Enter” button, and use the “+”
and “-“ buttons to change the value. The value should be set to 20. Press the “Enter” button to
return to the menu.
Pot1 Centre Position = 132
Pot2 Centre Position = 125
Pot1 Minimum Value = 68
Pot2 Minimum Value=
Pot1 Maximum Value =
Pot2 Maximum Value = 176
Therefore, the settings are as follows:
o Pot Min = 79 (
+8, 71 is the higher of the 2 minimum values of Pot1 and Pot2)
o Pot Max = 156 (
-8, 164 is the lower of the 2 maximum values of Pot1 and Pot2)
o Dead Zone = always set to 20
Recommended spare parts
With a fleet of 8/10 “
Bumper Cars
”, the customer should have the following spare parts in stock:
N. ... 1 ..... Digital control box
N. ... 2 ..... Joysticks
N. ... 2 ..... Coin-mechanism micro switches
N. ... 2 ..... 80 Ah fuses
N. ... 1 ..... 20 Ah fuse
N. ... 1 ..... Remote control with two buttons