EW50 Industrial LTE Cellular Gateway
069 Setting
Go to
Administration > Configure & Manage > TR-069
In "TR-069" page, there is only one configuration window for TR-069 function. In the window, you must
specify the related information for your security gateway to connect to the ACS. Drive the function to work by
specifying the URL of the ACS server, the account information to login the ACS server, the service port and the
account information for connection requesting from the ACS server, and the time interval for job inquiry.
Except the inquiry time, there are no activities between the ACS server and the gateways until the next inquiry
cycle. But if the ACS server has new jobs that are expected to do by the gateways urgently, it will ask these
gateways by using connection request related information for immediate connection for inquiring jobs and
Enable TR-069