LS720 Microscope Manual 2021
Creating a Z-Map
Load desired labware with samples into labware carrier.
Find a Live Image in a location as described in Section II.E.
Set up Autofocus using steps in Section II.J. above.
In Manual XYZ, click the Create Z-Map button near the bottom. The
Select Labware dialog box will open. Click on the labware type desired
to highlight it and then click OK.
A Z-Mapping instruction dialog box will now open. Click Yes.
The Choose Name for the Z-Map File dialog box will now
open. Choose the Filename for your Z-Map file and click OK.
7. The Z-Map Selection dialog box will now open. Select
the locations in the labware to be Z-Mapped. Locations can be
selected by clicking on them individually, clicking on the name of
any row (A, B, etc) or column (1, 2, etc), or clicking on Select All
8. Click OK and Z-Mapping will begin
Editing a Z-Map
1. In Manual XYZ, click the Edit Z-Map button at the bottom to
open its dialog box. Select the Z-Map File to be edited.
2 Locations that were Z-Mapped become shaded in yellow. Click
on any Z-Mapped location and the Edit Z-Map Well dialog box
for that location will open. Click the up and down arrows to
manually change the focus. This allows both review of the Z-
Map value and making a change if desired.
In Manual XYZ, click the Edit Z-Map button at the bottom to open its dialog box.
Select the Z-Map File to be edited.
Review the Z-Map and make changes if desired. Click OK to return to Edit Z-Map. Click Cancel
to keep the Z-Map value as it was before. Click on other locations to check and/or change their
Z-map values. Be sure to click OK to save any changes before leaving Edit Z-Map