Software Configuration with the GSDML Composer
5.5 Device Library
Figure 10:
Device Library
The device library contains a list of all installed CANopen device descriptions. The devices can be
added to the current net; see next section.
5.5.1 Add CANopen Devices to the current Project
There are three ways to add CANopen devices to the current project:
1. Double click with the left mouse button on an entry of the Device Library
The chosen device will be appended to the CANopen net as last device
2. Via the context menu item
Attach in the Network Editor
(Click with the right mouse button
on an entry in the Device Library)
The chosen device will be appended to the CANopen net as last device
3. “Drag'n'Drop” (Click with the left mouse button on an entry in the device library, hold the
button and move the cursor to the CANopen Network Editor)
Release the mouse button in an empty range of the CANopen Network Editor:
The chosen device will be appended to the CANopen net as last device
Release the mouse button on an existing device in the CANopen Network Editor:
The chosen device will be inserted before the existing device.
The order of the devices corresponds to the “display order“, see chapter "5.6 CANopen Network
After a device has been inserted, a dialogue window for the input of the name and the node-ID is
opened. This simplifies the first generation of the CANopen network – the values may be changed
at any time, see chapter "5.9.1 Configuration of a CANopen Slave via Device Editor".
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Manual • Doc. No.: C.2921.21 / Rev. 1.6