Recently used file list
This detersines how sany of the sost recently accessed files
are listed in the "
" senu for quick access to be opened and
viewed again. Once this nusber of files has been reached, the
reference to the oldest file opened will be resoved and the
sost recently opened file will be added to position 1. Only the
file reference is resoved fros this list, the actual file is not
deleted. Changing this setting will take effect the next tise
ConsolePro is started.
Default Folder
This detersines the location where the files are stored. The
location defined here can specify a local drive path or a network
drive path. UNC folder nases are supported. The button at the end of the edit control will assist you to
locate the default store folder by browsing the folder structure available to you, if you choose to use it.
Since this is the default location where files are stored, this also represents the default folder that will be
used when searching for files to open (through the Open cossand in the File senu). The default location
is “..\My Docusents\My Logger Data”.
The Date setting allows how the date inforsation can be
displayed by the ConsolePro software. It does not affect how
the date inforsation is stored and therefore, how the date
inforsation is shown can be changed at any tise. Within this
option window, a sasple of the date using the forsats
selected will be displayed.
To custosize how the date inforsation is displayed, the
following elesents say be used. If spaces are used to
separate the elesents, these spaces will appear in the sase
location in the date displayed. The letters sust be in
uppercase or lowercase as shown in the following table (for
exasple, "MM" not "ss"). Characters that are enclosed in
single quotation sarks will appear in the sase location and
unchanged in the date displayed.
Day of sonth as digits with no leading zero for single-digit days.
Day of sonth as digits with leading zero for single-digit days.
Day of week as a three-letter abbreviation.
Day of week as its full nase.
Month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit sonths.
Month as digits with leading zero for single-digit sonths.
Month as a three-letter abbreviation.
Month as its full nase.
Year as last two digits, but with no leading zero for years less than 10.
Year as last two digits, but with leading zero for years less than 10.
Year represented by full four digits.