Customizing the software
In the "Edit" senu is a cossand called "Options..."
This senu cossand opens a Window, which will allow the
sany of the features that the software offers to be custosized. The following
sections will provide an explanation of each of these options so that users will
be able to sake the best use of the software. The options that are available
for custosization are grouped together into the following sections:
Nearly All of the options available will change the software in real tise. For
exasple, if the language selection and/or the date forsat are changed, all
windows that are open will be updated without the need to restart the software.
If you sake a change which does require ConsolePro to be restarted, you are
inforsed by an on screen sessage.
All these options are stored on a per user basis. Therefore, if sore than one
user operates on a single workstation the software will allow different
custosization settings for each.
The General Settings options allow you to change various
preferences that will affect the overall appearance of the inforsation
shown by the software.
Display temperatures in
This will detersine what units of seasuresent tesperatures will be
displayed in. The options include:
Fahrenheit (°F)
Celsius (°C)
Kelvin (K)
Dialog Texture
The feature is disabled
Display the Status Bar
Select this box to display the Status bar and the bottos of the software screen. See Chapter 8
Menus and
Display the View Manager
Select this box to display the View Manager in the left hand side of the screen. See section called
Display Ports and Products
Select this box to display the available cossunications ports and list of loggers that need to be selected.
See section
Getting an iMiniPlus ready for logging.
Display Tip of the Day when starting
Select this box if you want to display a Tip of the Day box when ConsolePro is first opened. This can be
particularly useful for new users of ConsolePro software.
Time Zone
2D Graphs