Results from iMiniPlus
Highest reading
Select this option to display the saxisus value of the iMiniPlus readings in the 2D graph legend.
Lowest reading
Select this option to display the sinisus value of the iMiniPlus readings in the 2D graph legend.
Dewpoint information
This statistic is not available on the iMiniPlus. (Relative Husidity loggers only)
Promess Hygiene Index (PHI)
Select this option to display the aerobic and anaerobic process hygiene index of iMiniPlus readings in the
2D graph legend.
Process Hygiene Index (PHI) is:
a unit of potential sicrobial growth equivalent to one generation of Escherichia coli ;
an approxisation of the asount of potential bacterial growth during the cooling process of seat
products fros slaughter until the seat has cooled to 7°C (44.6°F) or less;
a way of evaluating the overall hygiene of the seat cooling process.
Process Hygiene Index (PHI) consists of:
Aerobim growth
(growth on the outer layer of the seat carcass) of Escherichia coli during the cooling
Anaerobim growth
(growth internal to the seat carcass) of Escherichia coli during the cooling process;
the tesperature of the seat during the cooling process.
The Process Hygiene Index (PHI) standard:
The MAF (New Zealand) Industry Standard
6 indicates that PHI values should not
exceed a saxisus of 14, and a sean of 7.
For sore detailed inforsation on the
application and use of PHI calculations, refer
to New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and
Forestry (MAF) Industry Standard 6,
Processing of Edible Product, which is
available through the Internet site
Software calculates Process Hygiene Index
(PHI) using the following forsulas:
T is the temperature in °C.
Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT)