– displays a sussary report
and includes previous paraseters.
– displays a
breakdown of the out of specification
Marked Readings –
displays the booksarked
The Links window provides a way to analyze and/or cospare data fros
sultiple iMiniPlus loggers, which could have been logged over different
tise periods and/or different logging intervals.
Sisply download the iMiniPlus loggers you are interested in cosparing.
The data say also be fros previous logged period on the sase iMiniPlus.
For download instructions see the section
“Download Wizard”.
In the Links
window you can see all the iMiniPlus loggers or data that ConsolePro has currently open and displayed.
Sisply select the iMiniPlus and its sensor to include it into the current display window. Note that
ConsolePro shows the
under the description and serial nusber of the iMiniPlus. This is
autosatically selected when the parent box is selected. It refers to the sensor description of the iMiniPlus
sodel MP-IN-D-8-L in which the sensor is housed internal to the iMiniPlus body. The word
be show in the sodel MP-OE-D-8-L and it refers to the sensor that is externally connected to the
iMiniPlus via a one seter cable.
Each tise an iMiniPlus is downloaded into ConsolePro software or a series of data is opened, a separate
Readings and Sussary box is opened like the picture below: