XDCR DN “+ - GND” is used to connect downstream transducer (Marked with a blue sign).
Connect line power to the screw terminals N, L and GND in the transmitter. The ground terminal
grounds the instrument, which is mandatory for safe operation.
DC Power connection: The ULTRA-E-F may be operated by a 12-36 VDC source, which is
capable of supplying a minimum of 3 Watts.
The transducer cable carries low level high frequency signals. In general, it is not
recommended to add additional cable to the cable supplied with the transducers. If
additional cable is required, contact the factory to arrange an exchange for a transducer
with the appropriate length of cable. Cables to 300 meters are available.
This instrument requires clean electrical line power. Do not operate this unit on circuits
with noisy components (i.e., fluorescent lights, relays, compressors, or variable frequency
drives). It is recommended not to run line power with other signal wires within the same
wiring tray or conduit.
Keypad Configuration
Keypad functions
After transducer and connection of appropriate power supply to ULTRA-E-F, keypad
configuration of the instrument can be undertaken. Generally, there should be no display of
error messages, and the flow meter will go to the most commonly used Menu Window Number
01 (short for M01) to display the Velocity, Flow Rate, Positive Totalizer, Signal Strength and
Signal Quality, based on the pipe parameters entering by the user or by the initial program.
The ULTRA-E-F contains a 16-key tactile keypad, allows the user to view and change
configuration parameters as shown below.
Follow these guidelines when using ULTRA-E-F
~ 9 and
to input numbers and decimal.
to backspace or delete characters to the left.
The arrow keys
To return to the last
menu or to open the next menu, are used to scroll
through menu configuration parameters; also acts
as “+” and “-” functions when entering numbers.
to select a menu. Press this key first,
input two menu numbers and then enter the
selected menu. For instance, to input a pipe Outside diameter, press MENU