“Baby Will” Valve Junior Conversion
Version 4
Build Manual
22 September 2009
16 of 36
7. The Baby Will
7.1 Assemble the Baby Will Circuit Board
The anticipation has been killing you, hasn’t it? Finally, the assembly of the Baby
Will begins.
Did you check you make sure you have all of the
parts you’ll need to complete the assembly?
I wish I did.
7.1.1 Tube Sockets
The tube sockets get installed on
the back side of the board.
I repeat the back side of the
Insert the tube sockets as shown.
They only go in one way (on the
back side).
Flip the board over and rest the sockets against your work bench/table. A piece
of cardboard is useful to hold the sockets in place when flipping the board over.
Slip the cardboard away when it’s resting on the bench. Check to make sure
each socket is properly seated. Then solder each leg of the sockets. The holes
are through plated so the solder will flow into the hole and through to the other
side of the socket leg creating a very durable connection.