Status Indicator Boost Alert
Boost alert is a timer designed to prevent the unit
being inadvertently left in boost for long periods
of time. Once the unit is placed in boost the timer
is started and after 2 hours boost alert will be
activated. This is indicated by the boost LED on
the status indicator panel flashing.
Once boost alert has been activated the overrun
timer is disabled meaning the unit will return to
continuous speed as soon as the switch holding
the unit in boost is released.
Summer Bypass
Summer bypass is designed to operate during
hot periods where fresh air can be vented straight
into the property without being preheated by the
extracted stale air. Summer bypass operation is
automatically controlled.
The summer bypass mechanism diverts the
stale air being extracted from the dwelling
around the heat cell so that its heat energy is
not transferred to the fresh air being supplied to
the property.
Summer Kick Up Mode
An optional summer kick up mode facility is
available that allows both the supply and extract
fans to run at full speed whenever the summer
bypass is activated. By default summer kick
up mode is disabled by a link wire, see wiring
diagrams. removal of the link wire will enable
summer kick up mode.
When summer kick up mode is trigged by
summer bypass, the increased fan speed can be
prevented either manually or automatically.
- This is by means of a volt-free switch
wired directly into the controller PCB.
- This is by means of a dedicated
wall mounted room thermostat. Summer kick
up mode will only operate when the temperature
has exceeded the thermostat setting.
Should the room temperature fall below the
thermostat setting, then summer kick up mode
will not operate.
Automatic Frost Protection
During very cold weather, automatic frost
protection will detect temperatures that could
form ice inside the unit. It will reduce the supply
ventilation rate to prevent ice build up within the
heat cell. Automatic frost protection reduces the
flow rate of cold air, thus allowing the warmer
stale air to raise the temperature within the heat
cell to such a level that prevents the formation
of ice.
As internal temperatures rise, the automatic frost
protection will increase the supply ventilation
flow rate back to the commissioned settings.
Integrated Humidity Sensor
Units are fitted with an integrated humidity
sensor. This continuously monitors the relative
humidity (RH) of the extracted air and triggers
boost speed when the relative humidity rises
over the set threshold.
The humidity sensor’s trigger point is variable
from 55% RH to 85% RH and is configured using
step-less independent potentiometer.
Product Overview