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Commissioning Part 1
Commissioning of a continuous running ventilation system- MVHR
* Applicable in England and Wales. For other countries please refer to your local building regulations.
Commissioning of the system is necessary to
provide adequate ventilation to the dwelling,
as stipulated in
Approved Document F
(ADF) of the Building Regulations*
Conditions -
all maintenance and
development works should be completed
prior to the commissioning of the unit, this
is to avoid high levels of dust being drawn
into the system and general disturbance
to the setup. The unit should only be
commissioned when fully installed, with
power, ductwork, valves and vents in place.
See Domestic Ventilation Compliance
Equipment required -
Anemometer which
is capable of measuring l/s or m³/hr.
Commissioning method -
Once the
previous conditions are met, boost and
trickle rates need to be set. These should
be set as outlined in the commissioning
guide (See page 20).
Extract and Supply -
(flow rates should be
balanced on boost and trickle)
Commissioning guide
Boost rate
(minimum high rate)
• Determine the whole building ventilation rate.
See ADF of the Building Regulations.
• Open ceiling/wall valves.
• Measure all extract points summing the
individual room rates. Measurements
to be carried out with an appropriate
• Adjust using and buttons, press up
or down until the total extract rate is met.
See the individual product’s instruction
guide for method (See page 20).
• When the desired overall extract rate
is achieved, the individual valves
should then be adjusted to draw the
appropriate volume of air from each room,
typically starting with the largest extract
requirement first: kitchen, bathroom,
utility room, en-suite and WC.
• It may be necessary to adjust the fan unit
slightly to account for increased pressure.
• When adjustments are completed the
valves should be locked into position to
maintain settings.
Trickle rate
• This should be set around about 75% of
the Boost rate.
See ADF of the Building Regulations.
• As the valves have been commissioned
at boost they will not need to be altered
further, the trickle buttons should be
adjusted up or down, until the lower
extract rate is met. See the individual
product’s instruction guide for method on
page 20.
For guidance on good installation
practice for MVHR systems see the
latest edition of the latest edition of the
Domestic Ventilation Compliance Guide*.
This guide provides in depth information on
all aspects installation, inspection, testing
and commissioning.