Release Notes
Known Issues with this Release
RiverMaster™ Version 3.5
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Do Not Run Multiple RiverMaster Sessions Concurrently
with the Same APS
Multiple RiverMaster sessions should not be run concurrently with the same
Aurorean Policy Server. Operating RiverMaster under these conditions could
adversely affect the performance of the application and servers as well as
produce inaccurate reports. If you want to access an APS through separate
RiverMaster sessions, logout of one RiverMaster session before starting
Restart RiverMaster after ANG Reboots
Because the Tunnel Statistics window in RiverMaster does not properly
display tunnel users following an ANG reboot, RiverMaster must be shut
down and restarted in order to re-synchronize the program with the ANG.
Upon restarting RiverMaster, all new tunnel sessions are visible.
Match Aurorean VPN and Destination Names
The Aurorean VPN Name, which is entered at installation time and displayed
under Network devices in the Configuration pullout, must match the
Destination name. Do not attempt to change the Destination name.
Resynchronizing with the APS After Changing IP Addresses
When you start RiverMaster for the first time, you are asked to enter a name
to describe your Aurorean VPN Name and the IP address assigned to the
Aurorean Policy Server. This step lets RiverMaster find and synchronize with
the APS on your network. If you set an incorrect IP address or change the IP
address on the APS, you must perform the following steps:
Close the RiverMaster application if it is currently running.
On the RiverMaster PC, use the Windows NT Explorer to access the
directory containing the RiverMaster application (by default this
directory is
C:\Program Files\Indus River Networks
Delete the
Close Windows NT Explorer and restart the RiverMaster application.