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BrightEye NXT 450 Clean Streaming Router
Installation, Configuration and Operations Guide
Configuring Clean Switches from the
Front Panel
Both of the BrightEye NXT 450’s clean switches have frame
synchronizers, enabling you to switch between asynchronous sources
without glitches or pops. Both clean switches also have up/down/
cross converters. Simply by setting the output standard of each clean
switch, configured independently, they automatically convert any
SMPTE broadcast resolution source to your chosen output standard,
regardless of the signal’s incoming format.
To Assign a Clean Switch to a Destination
1. Press the Configuration button. The top level menus display.
2. Use the up or down arrow buttons to select the top level menu for
either Clean Switch 1 or Clean Switch 2.
3. Press the right arrow button (or OK) to highlight the Assignment
4. Press the right arrow button (or OK) to go to the Assignment
selection submenu.
5. Press the up or down arrow buttons to select the destination Port
to which you want to assign the selected Clean Switch.
6. Press OK to set your new Clean Switch assignment, or press the
Configuration button to cancel your selection.
7. Press the Configuration button to back out of the menu one
level at a time. Or wait approximately 30 seconds until the screen
automatically returns to Operational mode.
To Set the Output Standard
1. From the Clean Switch 1 or Clean Switch 2 top level menu, use the
up or down arrow buttons to navigate to the Standard menu.
2. Press the right arrow button (or OK) to go to the Clean Switch
Standard submenu.
3. Use the up or down arrow buttons to select the standard you want
the Clean Switch to use.
4. Press OK to set the standard to your new selection, or press the
Configuration button to cancel your selection.
5. Press the Configuration button to back out of the menu one
level at a time. Or wait approximately 30 seconds until the screen
automatically returns to Operational mode.