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BrightEye NXT 450 Clean Streaming Router
Installation, Configuration and Operations Guide
Chapter 1: Introduction
In this Chapter
This chapter addresses the following topics:
Purpose of Document
Intended Audience
Introductory Videoss
Additional Resources
Purpose of Document
This Installation, Configuration and Operations Guide supports the process of planning for, installing,
configuring and operating the Ensemble Designs BrightEye NXT 450 Clean Streaming Router.
This manual describes the elements of the system, how they work together, and the practical aspects
of working with the unit to meet your facility’s needs.
Use the Contents and the Preface to quickly link to a specific chapter or topic.
Intended Audience
In addition to the target audience listed below, this document is meant for anyone who needs to
target a specific area of functionality in order to meet an immediate need, as well as for those who
need to have a comprehensive understanding of the Router from a systems planning point of view.
The intended audience for this manual includes people with the following roles:
broadcast engineers
studio designers
system designers
system integrators
installation and configuration personnel
router operators
audio/video professionals