IQ Gateway-M Installation and
2022 Enphase Energy Inc. All rights reserved.
141-00031 Rev 02
The Enphase IQ Gateway
The Enphase IQ Gateway is an integral component of the Enphase Microinverter System. It operates
between the Enphase Microinverters and the Enphase Enlighten
web-based monitoring and analysis
software. The IQ Gateway-Monitors the microinverters that are connected to the PV modules. It
collects energy and performance data from the microinverters over on-site AC power lines, and it
forwards that data to Enlighten, via the Internet, for statistical reporting.
IQ Gateway-M
uses precision Current Transformers (CTs) to measure PV production and
home energy consumption.
How the Enphase Microinverter System Works
The Enphase Microinverter converts the DC output of the PV module into grid-compliant AC power. In
addition to performing the DC to AC conversion, it maximises energy production by using a sophisticated
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm. This integrated system maximises energy harvest,
increases system reliability, and simplifies design, installation, and management.
The IQ Gateway operates as a gateway between the Enphase Microinverters and Enlighten. The
Enphase Enlighten web-based monitoring and analysis software analyses the data collected by each
communicating microinverter. Enlighten automatically detects any shortfall in energy production,
identifies possible causes, and suggests solutions. Enlighten constantly monitors every Enphase
Microinverter connected to the IQ Gateway and is essential for system monitoring and troubleshooting.
Enlighten provides a wide range of information on system performance. You can even access Enlighten
on your mobile device and view current performance information wherever you are.