IQ Gateway-M Installation and
2022 Enphase Energy Inc. All rights reserved.
141-00031 Rev 02
Within two minutes the Network Communications LED
lights solid green, indicating a successful
connection to the Internet and to Enlighten.
When you use Ethernet cable, two small LEDs on the Ethernet port indicate Ethernet link and activity.
The link LED is solid green when the cable is connected correctly, and the activity LED flashes green or
yellow when data is sent or received.
Method C: Power Line Communication Bridges
Order EPLC-02 (EU), EPLC-03 (UK) or EPLC-04 (AU) separately.
If you need to locate the IQ Gateway away from the router, at a distance where an Ethernet cable is not
practical, or the wireless signal does not reach, use power line communication bridges with the IQ
Gateway. Bridges allow the IQ Gateway to communicate with the broadband router over the s
ite’s power
lines. To install power line communication bridges:
Plug one of the bridges into the same AC socket that the IQ Gateway is using.
Place the bead on the cable, near one end, and close the latch.
Plug the cable end with the ferrite into the IQ Gateway Ethernet port.
Secure a tie wrap on the cable on each side of the ferrite bead.
Tighten an additional tie wrap around the ferrite bead.
Trim any tie wrap excess.
Plug the other end of the Ethernet cable into the bridge.
Plug the other bridge into an AC socket near the broadband router.
Connect one end of a second Ethernet cable to the second bridge and connect the other end of
the Ethernet cable into the broadband router.
Within two minutes the Network Communications LED
lights solid green, indicating a
successful connection to the Internet and to Enlighten.
If the Internet Connection Fails
After using any of these connection methods, if the IQ Gateway does not connect to the Internet within
five to ten minutes after you attempt a connection, see
“Internet Connection Issues” on page 36.
9. Send System Summary Report
When you have completed your system setup, you can generate and email a summary report.
From Installer Toolkit, tap step 7 of the system workflow to view the report. The report displays Envoy
and system information with a list of device serial numbers, their last power reports, and information
about the grid profile applied to the microinverters.
to email the report as needed as a record of successful system installation and for evidence of
grid profile settings.
: If your mobile device is connected to the Envoy using AP mode, the email stays in
the email outbox to be sent when the mobile device reconnects to the Internet. To disconnect
from the Envoy network, go to Settings on your mobile device and disconnect from the IQ
Gateway Wi-
Fi network “Envoy_nnnnnn” (where “nnnnnn” represents the final six digits of
the Envoy serial number).
: If you connect to an Envoy after associating it to a system, the report includes a
system name and address. For more information, refer to the
Enphase Installer Toolkit
Operation Manual