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A computer with one or more uses that can act as an endpoint of communication if it has TCP/IP.
Internet Control Message Protocol provides a means for intermediate gateways and hosts to
communicate. There are several types of ICMP messages and they are used for several purposes
including IP ow control, routing table correction and host availability.
Internet Protocol which routes the data.
IP Datagram
The basic unit of information passed across an IP Internet. It contains address information and
Packet InterNet Groper is a program which uses an ICMP echo request message to check if the
specied IP address is accessible from the current host.
A destination point used by transport level protocols to distinguish among multiple destinations
within a given host computer.
SubNet Address
An extension of the IP addressing scheme which enables an IP site to use a single IP address for
multiple physical networks. Subnetting is applicable when a network grows beyond the number of
hosts allowed for the IP address class of the site.
Transmission Control Protocol ensures reliable, sequential, delivery of data. TCP at each end of the
connection ensures that the data is delivered to the application accurately, sequential, completely
and free of duplicates. The application passes a stream of bytes to TCP which breaks it into pieces,
adds a header, forming a segment, and then passes each segment to IP for transmission.
Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely over
an unsecured network. A user can SSH from the local host to a host at a remote site.
User Datagram Protocol provides a simple, ecient protocol which is connectionless and thus
unreliable. The IP address contained in the UDP header is used to direct the datagram to a
specic destination host.
Well-Known Port
Any set of port numbers reserved for specic uses, with transport level protocols (TCP & UDP).
Well-known ports exist for echo servers, time servers, SSH and FTP servers.
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